We’re making progress!
Time is running out, again two weeks have passed in our project, so it is high time to make a short statement again because a lot has happened in the meantime.
The first „Social Web Meeting“ without a formal agenda took place and numerous students from all countries took the opportunity to get to know their fellow students on a more private level and to exchange views on topics outside the project content. It was so well received that we will now organize this regularly, the next meeting is already planned for next Monday.
Furthermore, the work in our international teams has started!!! After the first week was dedicated to more organizational topics, such as the organization of communication and collaboration, this week was already dedicated to dealing with the individual components of the solution, be it the Object Model, the Buinesslogic, the user interface homepage, code conventions or the topic of documentation.
All these topics were worked on intensively in order to meet the corresponding milestones of the project plan, which now contains them in a weekly grid.
So we look confidently into the weeks ahead of us and hopefully, we will be able to hand over the developed solution to our client at the beginning of July.